Feeling Italian

IDRInstitute is partner of the “Feeling Italian” – “Sentirsi Italiani” photographic contest. The project is realized by SIETAR ITALIA in collaboration with the Municipality of Milan, and in partnership with IDRInstitute, GEICO Taikisha, MUFOCO – Museum of Contemporary Photography,  Fondazione Intercultura Onlus, ALTAVIA, and SUNUGAL.

The competition represents the first phase of a broader and more detailed action research project developed by an interdisciplinary scientific committee that envisions, starting from 2019, the publication and exhibition of “Feeling Italian” and other artistic-cultural, educational and training initiatives.

The “Feeling Italian” contest invites you to tell, through the photographic language, what it means to “feel Italian” today, in an Italy defined by deep changes, not only in demographic terms, but also in terms of behaviors, customs and values.

Through the photo contest, SIETAR Italia and the partners of the “Feeling Italian” project want to explore who the Italians are today. What are the behaviors and symbols that evoke “Italianness”? What are the places, the ways and the meeting situations? What are the activities and rituals – individual or collective – that allow us to perceive Italians, or to be perceived as Italians?

The “Feeling Italian” photographic competition wants to investigate the elements of continuity with the past, or with the traditional concepts related to Italianness and to feeling Italian; but also, and above all, the transformations taking place in an Italy that are evolving within a global context.

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