Intercultural learning of hosting families

Ida Castiglioni, Ph.D.

Castiglioni, Ida (2012). Intercultural learning of hosting families. Intercultura 65, 2012.

Research sponsored by Fondazione Intercultura and reported at the Second Forum of Intercultural Learning and Exchange, 26-29 October 2011, Colle di Val d’Elsa, Italia >> read more

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Interculturalizing the European Study Abroad Experience

Ida Castiglioni, Ph.D.

Milton J. Benentt, Ph.D.

Presentation at the Forum on Education Abroad European Conference, Dublin, December 7, 2012 >> read more

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A Short Conceptual History of Intercultural Learning in Study Abroad

Milton J. Bennett, Ph.D. (2010) In W. Hoffa & S. Depaul (Eds) A history of U.S. study abroad: 1965-present. Special publication of Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, pp. 419-449

In 1967 I was a bus chaperone for a group of international AFSi students, which involved three weeks of stops each evening at homes across the country and non-stop stories each day about their experiences in the US the previous year >> read more

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Selected Papers from “Moving Beyond Mobility Conference” – Berlin Oct 13-14, 2008 (Table of Contents)

Special Double Issue of the International Journal of Intercultural Education

Guest Editor: Milton J. Bennett Ph.D.  >> read more

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Defining, measuring, and facilitating intercultural learning

Papers from Moving Beyond Mobility Conference, Berlin 2008

Milton J. Bennett Ph.D. “Defining, measuring, and facilitating intercultural learning: a conceptual introduction to the Intercultural Education double supplement


If you do not already think so, the papers in this volume will convince you that study abroad has changed. At the university level, it has transcended its history as a ‘grand tour’ for the leisure class and the more plebian ‘junior year abroad’. Now university study abroad encompasses massive mobility of students among European Union universities and to and from the US and other countries through a myriad school-based and consortia-based programs. >> read more

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Learning Globally, Teaching Locally. Incorporating International Exchange and Intercultural Learning into Pre-Service Teacher Training

Papers from Moving Beyond Mobility Conference, Berlin 2008

Lynne Masel Walters, Ph.D., Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA

Barbara Garii, Ph.D.,  State University of New York at Oswego, Oswego, New York USA

Timothy Walters, Ph.D. American University of Sharjah, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates


As the US student population becomes increasingly diverse, teacher education programs need to enable prospective teachers to meet the varied needs and expectations of students and families, while, simultaneously, creating viable classroom communities.  >> read more

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Colored Glasses – Moving Intercultural Exchange into the Classroom

Papers from Moving Beyond Mobility Conference, Berlin 2008

Kim Seifert, colored glasses c/o Deutsches Youth For Understanding Komitee e.V.


This paper describes a successful project that promotes the intercultural educational value of international exchange to students and youth groups. >> read more

Moving with Emotional Resilience Between and within Cultures

Papers from Moving Beyond Mobility Conference, Berlin 2008

Janice Abarbanel, Ph.D., Family Therapist and Clinical Psychologist


Having an ‘emotional passport’ means acquiring skills to regulate intense emotional challenges experienced in cultural transitions. This paper addresses ways to help young travelers become more resilient problem solvers, better at tolerating ambiguity, and more competent with cultural difference. >> read more

FAIJU – an Assessment Center to Develop Skills for Volunteers Working in International Youth Exchange

Papers from Moving Beyond Mobility Conference, Berlin 2008

Tom Kurz, Organizational Development Experiment e.V., Germany


The three non-profit student exchange organizations AFS, Experiment and YFU have been carrying out a special assessment center for the development of skills necessary for volunteers working in international student exchange. In this paper we will present the goals and intentions behind this tool and also discuss the use of human resources development tools in youth exchange. >> read more

Developing an Intercultural Competence Program at an International Cross-Border University

Papers from Moving Beyond Mobility Conference, Berlin 2008

Gundula Gwenn Hiller and Maja Woźniak, Dept. Intercultural Learning European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder)/Germany


The European University Viadrina located at the German-Polish border, with a high number of international students, was founded to promote the “growing-together” of Europe. Despite those aims it becomes more and more evident that international institutions have to develop special strategies to sensitize their members on an intercultural level and to encourage intercultural communication. >> read more

The Transatlantic Orientation Exchange Project

Papers from Moving Beyond Mobility Conference, Berlin 2008

Annette Gisevius, Intercultural Learning AFS Interkulturelle Begegnungen e.V.

Robin A. Weber, Manager of Intercultural Education and Quality AFS-USA


The Transatlantic Orientation Exchange/Multiplikatorenschulung im transatlantischen Austausch is a collaboration between volunteers and staff in both the U.S. and German AFS organizations. The goal of the project is to increase the level of intercultural learning of German and U.S. secondary education exchange participants and their host families. >> read more

Intervening in Student Learning Abroad: a Research-Based Inquiry

Papers from Moving Beyond Mobility Conference, Berlin 2008

Michael Vande Berg, Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE)
VP for Academic Affairs & Chief Academic Officer


The presentation will summarize the major conclusions of a four-year study designed to measure the intercultural and second language learning of more than 1,300 U.S. undergraduates enrolled at 61 programs abroad. >> read more

Experiences and Coping Strategies of Host Families in International Youth Exchange

Papers from Moving Beyond Mobility Conference, Berlin 2008

Arne Weidemann, Chemnitz University of Techonology, Germany

Frances Blüml, Vienna University of Economics and Business


Between 2006-2007 twenty narrative interviews were conducted with German host parents concerning their experiences with the one-year stay of a guest student in their family. The study was executed as a one-year students’ research project as part of the research-oriented MA course “Intercultural Communication – Intercultural Competence” at Chemnitz University of Technology. >> read more

Teaching Toward an Ethnorelative Worldview Through Psychology Study Abroad

Papers from Moving Beyond Mobility Conference, Berlin 2008

Paula J. Pedersen, University of Minnesota-Duluth, USA


This paper will share the results of research assessing the outcomes of teaching toward an ethnorelative worldview through psychology study abroad. Action research assessing the efficacy of intercultural pedagogy integrating psychology and the Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity (DMIS, Bennett,1986) using the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI, Hammer & Bennett, 1998, 2002) was conducted. >> read more

Intercultural Learning on Short-Term Sojourns

Papers from Moving Beyond Mobility Conference, Berlin 2008

Jane Jackson, Chinese University of Hong Kong


This paper presents an ethnographic case study of advanced second language (L2) students from Hong Kong who took part in a short-term sojourn in England after fourteen weeks of preparation. While abroad, they lived with a host family, took literary/ cultural studies courses, visited cultural sites, participated in debriefing sessions, and conducted ethnographic projects. >> read more

Long-Term Effects of International Educational Youth Exchange

Papers from Moving Beyond Mobility Conference, Berlin 2008

David Bachner, Scholar-in-Residence, School of International Service American University

Ulrich Zeutsche, Transfer Beratung & Training


This paper session will report on a research study of the long-term effects of a high school home- stay experience for German and American students who participated in the Youth For Understanding (YFU) program in the 1950s, 60s, 70s, and 80s. >> read more

Study abroad for global engagement: The long-term impact of mobility experiences

Papers from Moving Beyond Mobility Conference, Berlin 2008

R. Michael Paige*, Gerald W. Fry, Elizabeth M. Stallman, Jasmina Josić and Jae-Eun Jon
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA


This article reports on the preliminary results of a research project – Beyond Immediate Impact: Study Abroad for Global Engagement (SAGE) – that examines the long-term impact of study abroad on various forms of global engagement. The study employs a retrospective tracer study and mixed methods research design. >> read more